On the 6th February 1840, the Maori people sat as the British stood. One by one, the Maori chiefs signed a treaty and called it: ‘The Treaty Of Waitangi’. A Maori chief named Tāraia Ngākuti, full name Taraia Ngakuti Te Tumuhuia, refused to sign the treaty for he didn’t want to make the British govern (Which means to create the law about behaviour).
James Busby was one of the men who had been witnessing the debate, along with Lieutenant-Governor William Hobson. Flags were hung on the walls where the debate was held, one of them was a flag of New Zealand - It had 4 stars and a square on the left with some type of pattern but something didn’t make sense, why was the Union Jack (British) flag laying flat on the table? And why are the British dressed like they are?